Breastfeeding Journey
Women In Tech 2019 | Recent interview of Rupal Asodaria - NursElet Inventor
Rupal Asodaria
When you’re starting something new, you’ll hit the roadblocks and challenges. However there’re many resources available to help you navigate those challenges. I think those challenges and roadblocks make one powerful. Working with corporate culture requires great responsibility, management skills. It teaches a lifelong lesson of relationship as well.
Does my baby need cereal or water?
Rupal Asodaria
Working Mom Who Pump At Work | NursElet
Rupal A
Prepare as in finding a child care one month before you start to work. 3 weeks before stash up your breast milk. 2 weeks before have baby feel comfortable with bottle 1 week before you start work, test it out with your baby with caregiver and you away as if you are working. Just to know how your baby is doing and to know how much your baby eat without your breasts. Talk to your employer about the lactation room you need to pump for your baby. It’s best to take care of this matter before you start working than...
Good news for parents. More men’s restrooms getting changing tables!
Rupal A
Musician John Legend is lending his star power to the initiative.
Chapter 7 Breastfeeding Holds | A First Time Mom's Guide to Motherhood | NursElet
Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Hold
Rupal A
Some mothers find that the following positions are helpful ways to get comfortable and support their babies in finding a good latch.
Many mothers use pillows under arms, elbows, neck or back to give added comfort and support. Keep in mind that something may work well may not work for others. Try different position and see what works for best for you and your baby to make a latch.