Breastfeeding Journey
Breastfeeding Jackson
Rupal Asodaria
My son was born at 40+2 gestation and he was perfect. My birth was a disaster-he had huge decelerations from 132 baseline down to 60 with my contractions. I'd had 3 days of prodromal labour before things got started for real and I was exhausted. I labored for as long as I could, and made no progress! Cue the first of many interventions-breaking my water. My water was broken manually, I had an epidural, an IV because I was GBS positive, constant fetal monitoring, we tried replacing my amniotic fluid to stop the decelerations which didn't work, 4 catheters, Pitocin...
Pumping Love for Grayson
Breastfeeding Journey Breastfeeding Mom NursEletBlog Pumping Mom
Rupal Asodaria
My name is Tasha and I'm 29 years old. I have a 6 month old that had a rough start with our breastfeeding journey. When he was born until 2 months old, every single time he'd nurse, he'd cry. He'd cry for hours on end. We finally visited a lactation consultant because I was worried it was my milk supply. Grayson was diagnosed with a lip & tongue tie that we got revised at 2 months. He already had such a hard time efficiently transferring milk that the revision didn't help us with nursing. I decided I still wanted to...
My Breastfeeding Relationship
Rupal Asodaria
When my first son was born, I knew I was going to breastfeed him. I was lucky because it came very easy to both of us. We were happily nursing and then I got a HUGE surprise when I found out I was pregnant again when he was just 7 months old. I guess my milk must have changed or dry up because he abruptly weaned himself just a couple of months later. My second son was born just 15.5 months after my first and I was ready to start another breastfeeding relationship. Once again, he took to it immediately...
From Ambivalent to Passionate
Rupal Asodaria
Hi NursElet readers. My name is Samantha, owner of BlueDragonDreams and I'm so excited to be telling you all about my breastfeeding journey. I always knew I wanted to have children but I wasn't set on breastfeeding. I could take it or leave it; I figured I'd give it a try but I had no plans of nursing long term. I got pregnant and I started doing a TON of online research, learned all about the benefits and figured I would give it my best shot. I still wasn't adamant about it and thought - if it worked great, but...
Every baby can be different when it comes to Breastfeeding
Rupal Asodaria
When I had my first son, I was 19... I had NO idea what I was doing, and probably way too young to be a mother. But, all I was ever really sure of was that I wanted to be one. I also knew a part of that journey would be breastfeeding. It was important to me. I think as young moms, we often get left out when it comes to breastfeeding. Thankfully in the last 10 years it seems that has gotten a bit better. But, I know for me at the time, there was very little support... and...