Breastfeeding Journey

7 Step Prevention Coronavirus Awareness Poster

Rupal Asodaria

7 Step Prevention Coronavirus Awareness Poster

In this pandemic, here is the guideline from WHO (World Health Organization), please refer to it. 

Wash hands frequently and staying at home when possible are the best options to stay away from COVID19.  Social distancing is very important as this coronavirus transmits through person to person without showing the symptoms.

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Hand Expression Breast Milk 101

Rupal Asodaria

Hand Expression Breast Milk 101

NursElet can help you in hand expression breast milk.

Hand expression can be used to express colostrum prior to birth, for a baby who is struggling to latch, to relieve engorgement or blocked duct and to increase milk supply, by removing more milk.

To hand express, make a ‘C’ shape with your thumb & fingers around the breast, near/around your areola. Move your fingers and thumb together rhythmically, you may need to press back slightly & move your fingers around to experiment where works for you. You can move your hand around your breast to different areas to fully drain your breast if necessary. Massaging your breast may be helpful prior to expression.

Store your breastmilk storage bags at room temperature for 6 hours, in the fridge for approximately 6 days, in your freezer for 6 months and deep freezer for 12 months.

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What is a Nursing Bracelet? | NursElet

Rupal Asodaria

What is a Nursing Bracelet? | NursElet

NursElet Nursing Bracelet is a mommy invented and a patented Nursing Bracelet which can hold nursing mother’s shirt up while nursing or pumping which can be used a breastfeeding reminder bracelet. If you're pregnant or nursing a newborn, you'll love this simple and smart breastfeeding essential NursElet. This little luxury will make your whole breastfeeding journey different. Nursing in comfort is the key for long term breastfeeding.

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What is APGAR Score | NursElet

Rupal Asodaria

What is APGAR Score | NursElet

The Apgar score is generally done at 1 and 5 minutes after birth and may be repeated later if the score is and remains low. Scores of 7 and above are generally normal; 4 to 6, fairly low; and 3 and below are generally regarded as critically low and cause for immediate resuscitative efforts.

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Wordlist you need to know if you are pregnant | NursElet

Rupal Asodaria

Wordlist you need to know if you are pregnant | NursElet

Here is the wordlist you need to know to understand what your healthcare provider is talking about when you are expecting.

Maternity and Breastfeeding Brand NursElet makes motherhood so easy. 

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