Breastfeeding Journey
How do you know if your baby is getting enough ?
Rupal Asodaria
How do you know if your baby is getting enough ?
Your baby’s diapers will provide clues about whether he is getting enough to ear. During the first month, after your supply increases and if his diet is adequate, he should wet six or more times a day and generally have three to four or more bowel movements daily.
Trump signs breastfeeding law, giving moms a clean, accessible, private room in every airport
Rupal Asodaria
When I didn’t find any, I created one! NursElet.
Rupal Asodaria
3 years ago I was recovering from back pain and neck strain, with a newborn baby and toddler being a full time mom with no help except from my hubs. (my both families live overseas in India). When I visited dr., I came to know that my pain was a result of improper posture during breastfeeding position. I searched high and low to find solution to solve my struggle, when I didn’t find any, I created one! NursElet.
Let's talk about Infant Care
Rupal Asodaria
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Rupal Asodaria