Well, work life balance doesn’t come easy when you’re your own boss and need to work in weekend as well.
Mom job itself is challenging however there’re few things I follow to enjoy life’s little moments with my brood as well as growing this small business.
Here are 5 steps:
- Plan your activity ahead. Put them in calendar and tell everyone about your plan so that your family member doesn’t get surprise when time comes. It might help them to prepare in advance as well.
Draw a line. Think what the best is for you and your family at that moment. Certain activities might be avoidable however certain activities are once in a while opportunities. Grab them first!
For example: I usually don’t go to park every weekend with my kids however if there is a special event or kite festival, I would drop everything else and attend them first!
- Have different kind of experience when possible. I personally love to have my kids all different kinds of experience as much as they can. For example: Museum, library, park, store visit (yes, count it as well), hiking, biking, art etc.
- Make it BIG event. Even though riding a bike seems to be a small activity, consider as a mega event and fully participate into it. Do the picnic, take lunches, do bubble fun whatever you could add to make out of the most of that activity. Kids will find fun in anything! Seriously!
- Capture the moment. No matter how tired you're, involve in the photoshoot. Kids grow so fast and that's the only memory you may have to cherish one day! I believe: “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Suess
By – Rupal Asodaria; inventor of award winning must have baby essential NursElet and mother of two little boys. She lives with her family in Fremont, beautiful town surrounded by majestic mountains all around in San Francisco Bay area, California. She is crazy art lover, you may find her creativity in all her must haves baby essentials.