"But boy he nursed almost nonstop for two weeks after birth." - Sandra | NursElet Must Have Breastfeeding Essential

Rupal Asodaria breastfeeding story

I nursed my first daughter for two years. She was born at 34 weeks. Stayed in the NICU for a month until she gained from 3 1/2 lbs. to 5 lbs. I had her early because of the preeclampsia. She nursed perfectly fine at birth. Took her time to learn on her own in few days. I was glad to get help from the nurses at Kaiser. They were wonderful like mothers to me. I’m so glad I had a great breastfeeding journey with my first.

I nursed my second daughter for three years and two months. She was born at 39 weeks. She nursed great from birth till she weaned off the breasts. I stopped the breastfeeding because I was having contractions from breastfeeding her while I was pregnant with my third baby boy. I also had a great three years breastfeeding journey with my second daughter.

I’m currently nursing my third baby boy who will be 9 months old in two weeks. He was born at 38 weeks because of preeclampsia was found in my urine while I was at the non-stress testing appointment. The OB checked inside how dilated I was and I was not even near 1 CM. Minutes later I was already leaking. But my water didn’t break at the time. Because of the leak I was rushed to the emergency and they rushed me to have the baby. It took me 2 days to have the baby. I was not contracting at all. It was not a pleasant way to start my labor with my last baby. It was not a planned birth. But I listen to the doctors because I wanted my baby safe. Once he was born, he latched onto my breast without any problem I was so happy. He was the easiest baby to nurse and care. But boy he nursed almost nonstop for two weeks after birth. Now he nurse every while. He is a big chunky baby boy. I’m blessed to have nursed him from birth to whenever he is ready to stop.

I love all my kids. Shared with Love: Sandra Caballero

Sandra is a mom of three and blogger at SoCalDeafMom

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